Friday, March 21, 2025

May 16, 2019

Skyscraper Window Cleaning Nightmare Plays Out In Real Life [Video]

Two window washers in Oklahoma had to be rescued in dramatic fashion after their platform was whipped back and forth by high winds.

If you aren’t a fan of heights, you might want to look away now.

Two window washers in Oklahoma had to be rescued in dramatic fashion after their platform was whipped back and forth by high winds.

At the time, they were near the top of the 50-storey Devon Tower in downtown Oklahoma City, and onlookers watched on in horror as the two men hung on for dear life.

Thankfully, neither sustained injuries, and were rescued within an hour of the first emergency call.

The video below, via ABC News, shows some of the more dramatic footage:

A doff of the cap to all the window washers out there – we appreciate you.
