Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Banned Energy Drink Comes With Some Unexpected Side Effects

South African authorities are warning people to stay away from Power Natural High Energy Drink SX, which is said to pack quite a punch.

When you crack open an energy drink you can safely anticipate a few things.

It will give you a boost, maybe power you through that last hour of work when the day is really dragging, or keep the party going just a little longer.

You don’t, however, expect a prolonged erection.

Yeah, you read that right.

Authorities in Zambia have now banned Power Natural High Energy Drink SX which, although is not marketed as a sexual aid, contains sildenafil citrate – the active ingredient in Viagra. It also claims to increase libido.

The BBC reports that results from Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa all correlated, proving that this particular ingredient is present in the energy drink right across southern Africa.

While news that the drink is basically an unregulated form of cheap Viagra actually increased the drink’s popularity, men wanting to give it a try should consider a few things. Here’s IOL:

The Zambian authorities have warned of serious harmful side effects if products containing Sildenafil Citrate are not administered properly.

The side effects of Sildenafil Citrate include potential penile tissue damage and permanent loss of potency.

Look, we all need a bit of a boost energy-wise sometimes, but that boost shouldn’t contain ingredients that could permanently damage you where it counts.

There are health professionals to help you out if you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction, and there are energy drinks that’ll keep the party going without the risk of permanent damage.

The energy in 28 Black comes from natural arabica coffee and natural raw sugar, which means that it is taurine-free. It’s also vegan-friendly, gluten and lactose-free, and contains no artificial preservatives.

It’s even taurine-free, and no taurine means more variety, with flavours like Açai Berries, Açai Berries Zero (which has zero sugar and calories), and Pink Grapefruit-Mint.

It ticks all the boxes.

So party hard, people, but party safe, because the only thing that should be up longer than usual is good times and good vibes.
