All images from Jan Verboom – website here.
The ‘Burners are back from their life-altering experience.
How do we know this? Because they’re posting the pictures on social media, with deep quotes about finding inner peace and love and tranquillity, man.
Look, they may have done – AfrikaBurn is a beautiful thing and I’m stoked for all of those who went.
We won’t feature any of those aforementioned social media pictures, but we don’t really have to, because the ever-reliable Jan Verboom has once again put together a superb gallery.
You may recognise the name from previous AfrikaBurn snaps (his 2017 efforts here), but let’s head to the Binnekring for the 2019 edition:
Bloody lovely.
Let’s see one more amazing automotive creation before we go:
A nod to the Ghostbusters – very cool.
As the reintroduction to mainstream society continues (what a drag), those of us who didn’t go may be able to relate to this video.
Maybe that one person in the office, earlier this week?
Everything’s changed, man!
For more of Jan Verboom’s superb AfrikaBurn 2019 pics, head here.