Saturday, March 15, 2025

Obviously Steve Hofmeyr Had A Go At Charlize Theron, Following Transgender Child Revelation

Steve Hofmeyr is confused by Charlize Theron's parenting choices, so naturally, he had to say something about it on Twitter.

Steve Hofmeyr is back to add transphobia to his repertoire.

Not surprising from a man who digs the old South African flag so much he posts about it on social media.

At some point, he came across a story doing the rounds about Charlize Theron and her decision to accept her child, after her child revealed to her at three-years-old that she identifies as a girl and not a boy.

Steve hasn’t had any good or bad press in a while so he weighed in.

Here’s IOL:

…the actress said: “Yes, I thought she was a boy, too. Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I am not a boy!’ So there you go! I have two beautiful daughters who, just like any parent, I want to protect and I want to see thrive.”

Theron’s admission about raising a transgender child has garnered mixed responses from the public.

Steve’s response on Twitter was as follows:

Translation:  “Dear Charlize, My daughter sometimes wears pants. She is 20 months old. Is it perhaps the right time to ask her if she feels a balance of y-chromosome?”.

The responses to the tweet were divided between those who tried to educate him, and those who reinforced his idiocy.

Nobody asked you, Louise.

There’s a difference between wanting a pet dolphin and gender identity. Studies have shown that children are perfectly capable of understanding gender identity.

Theron is one of the first celebrities to speak out about raising a transgender child.

If you need a refresher on what it means to be transgender, go here.

This probably won’t be the last time Steve speaks out about something that has nothing to do with him.
