If you’ve been reading the site for a while, you’ll know that I’m not a fan of robots.
But Boston Dynamics keeps making new and improved versions of the things, so here we are.
It’s only a matter of time before they take over.
We’ve brought you videos of their creepy robot dogs before.
You know – the ones that work as a team?
This time their dogs are showcasing their teamwork and their raw (terrifying) strength, reports Business Insider.
According to Boston Dynamics, the 10 “SpotMini” robot dogs were able to pull the Boston Dynamics truck “~1 degree uphill, truck in neutral.” That’s still quite a bit of pulling power from less than a dozen robot dogs, but they’re still a few degrees removed from robot-apocalypse territory.
Oh, good. As long as we aren’t in “robot-apocalypse territory” yet, I guess that’s fine.
Look at them go: