Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Excellent Twitter Convo About Everyone’s Weirdest Celeb Encounters

Most of us have, at some or other point in our lives, had a brief interaction with someone famous. Over on Twitter, some of the funniest are now being shared.

I’ll go first…

I once worked at a restaurant in a ski resort and thought that Sam Worthington (that’s him above), who was at the time the lead actor in the highest-grossing film of all time, Avatar, was a ski bum.

After I asked him whether he was crashing at a hostel with a bunch of mates, he laughed and said he’d scraped together enough pennies to get his own hotel room.

Interesting, maybe, but not quite as cool as some of the best responses on a now-viral Twitter conversation.

Here’s the tweet that started it all:

You’re welcome to go through the replies yourself, but Mashable picked out some of their favourites.

Let’s start with one that garnered a reply from the celeb himself:

Fight back, Bill.

There was also a few people who pointed to the infamous story of the guy who accidentally ended up meeting the Irish president whilst off his rocker on ketamine, but back to the matter at hand:

A South African in the mix, nice!

Actually, there was also this response, which is pretty touching:

That Madiba, hey?!

More celebs:

To finish, your man Morgan’s a keeper:

If you want to read all of the replies, you can find the full conversation here.
