Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Jason Momoa’s Doppelgänger Is A Surfer From Goodwood [Images]

Can somebody tell the 'Aquaman' and 'Game of Thrones' star that he has a doppelgänger right here in Cape Town?

[imagesource: Saudiq Parker]

You know those Facebook quizzes where you upload your image and answer some questions, and they tell you which Hollywood celeb is your doppelgänger, whilst harvesting your personal data?

(It’s true – you’re trying to find out which Disney character you are, and you’re also handing over all of your personal details.)

Well, this ain’t one of those, because 32-year-old Goodwood resident Saudiq Parker genuinely looks like Aquaman and Game of Thrones star, Jason Momoa.

IOL ran this story on him over the weekend:

The freelance animator, who was raised in Rylands and is Indian, says he did not expect the flurry of comments, direct messages and friend requests from women wanting to know if he is the real deal.

Unlike Khal Drogo, Saudiq doesn’t ride a horse, but a surfboard.

Saudiq says he first realised something was cooking when he visited a restaurant in Milnerton.

“There was a girl and she told her boyfriend I look like Aquaman. I heard that before, my sister says it was because of my sleepy eyes.

“I wasn’t trying to look like him and I have always had long hair. Growing my beard was really as a result of laziness because I work from home.”

I have respect for anybody who grows a beard out of laziness.

Check these comments on his profile picture:

Pay attention to the middle comment:

Nevermind all of the Aquaman stuff….that shit will fade away fast. Your just goddamn beautiful…leave it at that. No Aquaman reference needed. Truth. Not to seem like the rest of those fb sluts out there…but you need to know your drop dead gorgeous in your own right. So have a good day…life is just waking up here in USVI.

Ah yes, the dreaded Facebook sluts “out there”.

Saudiq has been getting plenty of attention, though, and there’s hope for the single women out there:

[He] says since the post he has received more than 100 friend requests from women.

“I accept them all. It’s mostly single moms. It’s really bizarre with people asking if I am the real Aquaman.”

…Saudiq confirms he is single and has no children except his beloved pets, which include two boerboels, named Gunnar and May, an African Grey parrot and two corn snakes.

Asked how he feels about all the attention, he says: “I did not expect it at all, but I am just rolling with it.”

His profile picture album shows that he’s been going hard on the Momoa angle for a while, now:

Saudiq, good luck out there.

I’m sure those who want to reach out and make contact can find your Facebook profile without much hassle.
