Friday, March 21, 2025

February 20, 2019

WATCH LIVE: Tito Mboweni Delivers The 2019 Budget Speech [Video]

Tito Mboweni will be walking a tightrope during his maiden budget speech today, with many thorny issues needing to be addressed.

In case you hadn’t noticed, South Africa has landed itself in a bit of a mess financially.

The lights are quite literally being turned off, many of our state-owned enterprises are massively in debt and being run into the ground, and the list goes on.

It’s Wednesday, though, in what has been a long week already, so let’s not bang on about all of that.

Yesterday we covered four of the main things to look out for during Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s 2019 Budget Speech.

This one is due to kick off at 2PM, but if proceedings are delayed for any reason, you can pass the time reading that link above, and also IOL’s in-depth look at what they call Tito’s “Eskom nightmare”.

UPDATE: Mboweni’s speech has finished, and you can watch it in full below:

If eNCA isn’t your vibe, here’s the official Parliament of the Republic of South Africa YouTube channel:
