Tuesday, March 18, 2025

February 20, 2019

Casual Attack On PE Cyclist Doesn’t Quite Go To Plan [Video]

A cyclist in PE was on the receiving end of an attack yesterday morning, although it looks like the criminals didn't put much planning into it.

The great battle on our roads used to be between cyclists and vehicles, and there are countless road rage videos showing just how fraught with tension that relationship has been.

Now, though, both can unite against a common enemy – crime.

Two weeks ago we covered the story of a 60-year-old man who was stabbed, assaulted and robbed on a popular Table Mountain cycle track, with the suspect then riding into town, possibly to sell the bike at Greenmarket Square.

This time the attack took place in Port Elizabeth, on Tuesday morning, as TimesLIVE reports:

According to residents, the incident happened at about 6.30am on Kragga Kamma Road…

A nearby CCTV camera caught the incident on camera and shows a white vehicle reversing into the bushes shortly before the attack.

As you will see at the start of the video, the man emerges from the vehicle, before casually strolling past the cyclist and launching his attack.

By the looks of things, this one didn’t quite go to plan, because the cyclist managed to hang onto his bike and get the attacker off his back.

Also, I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have counted on CCTV footage capturing the incident:

I didn’t think we would have to spell this out, but the video above is not the CCTV footage itself, which was captured by a camera mounted to a house nearby, but rather someone filming that CCTV footage in order to share the video.

The guy simply strolling off at the end really pisses me off.

According to police spokesperson Capt Sandra Janse van Rensburg, a case of robbery has been opened at the Kabega Park police station:

“From what we have determined is that the suspect was in the vehicle together with another man and woman. He then left the vehicle and during this time and attacked the cyclist,” she said.

“The only item stolen during the incident is a cellphone.”

Let’s hope the law, or at the very least karma, catches up with the thugs behind this robbery.
