Tuesday, January 21, 2025

February 7, 2019

Scooters, Stunts And A Hot Air Balloon: You’ve Never Seen A Skydiving Video Like This

Everyone seems to be skydiving now, so if you want to set yourself apart, you'd better add something different and stylish into the mix.

Adrenaline junkies are always looking for new thrills because let’s face it, once you’ve bungee jumped or skydived a few times, it might get a bit boring.

Or so I’m told. I’m not going to pretend I’ve ever flung myself off of a bridge or out of a plane.

The point is, once you’ve done something a few times, the only way to keep it fresh is to get creative, which is exactly what stuntman Günter Schachermayr decided to do.

According to VisorDown, Schachermayr determined that a Vespa suspended below a hot air balloon, hovering at 23 000 feet, would be a great place to jump from.

He comes across as a little crazy, but that’s not really surprising:

This isn’t the first time that Schachermayr has incorporated a Vespa into his skydiving escapades. In May 2018, he jumped out of a plane and took the scooter with him.

I’ll say this – the man has style. If you’re going to jump out of a plane with a two-wheeler, it had better be a Vespa.

The good news is that you can have all of that style, without the 23 000 foot drop, by contacting Seth at editor@2oceansvibe.com and asking him to hook you up with a great deal on a Vespa, new or second-hand.

Check out Vespa’s website to see what’s on offer.

If you already have your wheels, you can take them out to a Rider’s Breakfast to meet other quality people with good taste and an eye for classic details.

Tomorrow morning there’s a Jozi Ride

As well as a Pretoria Ride

The Durban Ride will take place on Saturday morning…

I’d take breakfast over skydiving any day.

Leave it to the professionals.



2ov Radio

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