The EFF have always worn their red overalls and hard hats with pride, but over the past few months, they are finally showing their true colours.
As information of their corrupt dealings continue to come to light, Juju and his army have gone full Trump, attacking journalists and exhibiting the kind of thuggery that exposes the rotten core of the party.
If you missed Richard Poplak’s devastating takedown from last week, you’ll want to give that a read first, but then head back here for round two.
This time it’s Robin Binckes, a South African history guide, well known public speaker and writer on South African history, with an open letter to Malema published on News24.
Robin is not a fan:
You are a foreigner, Mr Malema. Not by birth but by thought and vitriol. You do not belong here but rather on the scrapheaps of history with the Hitlers, Idi Amins, Pol Pots and Mugabes.
You are a foreigner to the decent people of this country, black, white, coloured and Indian.
Despite what you believe we are not frightened of you. Rather, we are dismayed that you have been so successful in conning those with little or nothing into thinking that you are one of them whilst you live in the home of a self acknowledged white capitalist crook, tax evader and cigarette smuggler who costs this country millions in unpaid taxes.
Your son goes to private school, whilst your followers battle to pay the relatively low government school fees. Your family allegedly benefitted from the money stolen from VBS Mutual Bank which belonged to the very people you claim to represent. You and your fancy dress party alleged benefitted financially from illicit and illegal money and you are now implicated in illegal tenders with the City of Johannesburg.
You are a con, Mr Malema, and the tragedy is that there are people who fall for your vile and populace drivel. You use words designed to inflame such as “fight”, “white”, “dog”, “bastard” and “war”.
Don’t forget, he called a female journalist “satan“, because that’s always a fun thing to do.
Right, back to Binckes and his stinging rebuke of Juju:
You are an anachronism and try by clever words to be associated with the students of 1976. You weren’t even born then and if you had been old enough would you have had the courage to be part of the student uprising? I doubt it because people like you are cowards and thugs as the trashing and looting of Vodacom stores, the trashing of Charlotte Maxeke hospital and the trashing of H&M stores illustrate…
You try to divide us. Out of your mouth spews words of hate and racism. You are as big a threat to this country’s future as the Guptas were. The high level of crime and lawlessness currently being experienced in our country is a direct result of the hate and divide you preach. You mix with gangsters as your friends, you attempt to protect those who have robbed this country of billions of Rands and their allies and yet you call yourself a South African?
I admired your determination to study for and achieve a degree. What a shame that you do not apply your intelligence on building a society rather than destroying it. Or do you, like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia, plan to destroy everything?
You don’t belong here, Mr Malema. South Africans are proud of our country – you make us ashamed.
Look, you’ll be hardpressed to find a politician in this country that’s currently covering themselves in glory, but it looks like South Africans, and the South African media, might have finally wisened up to Juju and his hypocritical, self-serving agenda.
If only the voters would follow suit, and punish the EFF for being nothing more than false prophets.