Monday, March 17, 2025

November 29, 2018

Fisherman’s Sea Creature Pictures Are Straight Out Of A Horror Movie

Roman Fedortsov, a fisherman from Russia, finds and photographs bizarre-looking creatures at the bottom of the sea.

There is some nasty stuff living at the bottom of the ocean, and one man has made a hobby of finding and photographing it.

Roman Fedortsov is a fisherman from Russia who finds bizarre-looking creatures at the bottom of the sea. He then takes pictures of the creatures and posts them on Instagram and Twitter, leaving the internet both fascinated and grossed out.

We don’t want to judge them too harshly, because I guess they’re beautiful in their own way, but none of them are winning a ‘best in show’ prize any time soon.

Here’s Business Insider:

“No need to invent monsters,” Fedorstov wrote in one tweet. “Nature has already done it.”

True. The evidence is below.

To help you recover from what’s about to assault your eyeballs, here are National Geographic’s ‘Best Photos of 2018’, because you might want to look at something pretty after this.

Easing you into it, here’s a slightly weird looking fish:

Teeth! Look at the teeth!

When out at sea, Fedortsov is supposed to be searching for cod, haddock, halibut, redfish and herring. Instead, he finds this:

This one can see your soul (and wants to eat it):

Fedortsov has taken hundreds of pictures of some really disturbing sea creatures.

“People have no idea what fish can look like,” Fedortsov said.

“I was really impressed by the appearance of some deep sea fish, and I wanted to share my experience with other people.”

He now has thousands of followers interested in what he finds in the water. Like this thing:

Fedortsov says that he has never been scared of anything he has caught. Instead, he said he feels “interested and impressed.”

That’s one reaction I guess… especially when confronted with this:

And finally, a face not even a mother could love:

Never going into the ocean again.
