If you’re having a bad day, count yourself lucky that you haven’t fallen into a sinkhole.
It’s the little things.
A woman in China was going about her daily business when a sinkhole opened up in the street. This was the latest in a series of sinkholes that have appeared around the city in the last year, and China, in general, suffers from an inordinate amount of sinkholes.
A sinkhole is caused by water erosion that provides a route for surface water to disappear underground, and is not to be confused with the hole that happens when students party too hard.
According to The Telegraph, the woman in the video below was walking on a busy pavement in Lanzhou City when the ground suddenly collapsed underneath her:
Bystanders were unable to reach the woman following the collapse, but emergency services were able to free her from the hole.
She is recovering in hospital with broken ribs.
Going on that video, she’s lucky to be alive.