Sunday, March 16, 2025

November 14, 2018

Krugersdorp Killers Case Gets Even Weirder With ‘Bride Of Satan’ Claims

Given what we already know about the Krugersdorp Killers, and the depths of depravity that those accused sank to, it takes something quite strange to surprise at this stage.

Given what we already know about the Krugersdorp Killers (including that Carte Blanche feature), and the depths of depravity that those accused sank to, it takes something quite strange to surprise at this stage.

Well, earlier this week at the South Gauteng High Court, it was the testimony of Candice Rijavic, a former friend of murder accused Cecilia Steyn, that delivered.

Rijavic made a number of startling claims during her testimony, but none more so than when she said that “Steyn convinced people around her that she was the most powerful witch in the world – the bride of Satan”.

Over to TimesLIVE:

Rijavic said she met Cecilia Steyn in 2008 and they became inseparable best friends. “I heard endless stories about her background. She said her birth was prophesied many years ago,” said Rijavic.

Cecilia claimed to have been subjected to ritual abuse by her family, had become part of the occult and had supernatural powers.

“She said she was the most powerful witch on the planet, that she could astral travel, disappear and reappear.

Cecilia is in the middle of the image above, flanked by co-accused Marcel Steyn (left) and Zak Valentine (right).

“She said she could do things to people without touching them, she was known to be ‘the bride of Satan’ and she went through training and she met Satan,” Rijavic told the court.

Cecilia had claimed that her spirit could leave her body. “She was known to travel to the moon. There were no limitations to where she could go.”

Cecilia, the court heard, also had multiple personalities, the ability to turn into a baby or a wolf and could hold her breath under water for an hour.

I mean it’s all a bit farcical, and the world record for holding your breath underwater is actually 24:03 (yes, 24 minutes), set by Aleix Segura Vendrell in 2016.

It’s real – there’s even a video.

Don’t say we never teach you anything.

OK, back to the Krugersdorp killers:

Rijavic said Cecilia [below] had made people believe that she was actually vomiting blood when in reality she had put small “balls of blood” in her mouth and was just acting. “She would drive to a place where there is no one, draw blood from herself using a syringe, take the blood and put it in cut plastic gloves. She would put the small balls in her mouth and fake a convulsion.”

Cecilia had also claimed to be a vampire confined to certain areas. “She had boundaries on where she could go. We once drove beyond her boundaries and she faked an sms from her father saying he was aware of what she did.

I don’t want to tell you how to live your life, but if your friend is talking about turning into a wolf, and says she is the bride of Satan, you might want to give them a wide berth.

The trial continues.
