Friday, March 7, 2025

The French Army Just Trolled Trump On Twitter

Following Trump's failure to pay his respects at the American war cemetery in France, that country's troops decided to have a little fun at his expense.

Trump, AKA Cadet Bone Spurs, has never done a day of real work in his life, and his convenient “medical condition” also means that he’s never seen a single day of wartime conflict.

To list all of the things that Trump has difficulty with would take up the entirety of this article, but we’ll touch on a few – words, common decency, condemning Nazis, appropriate behaviour towards women … and rain.

He really doesn’t like rain – so much so that even after berating kneeling NFL players for supposedly disrespecting war veterans, he decided not to visit the American war cemetery at Belleau in France – a necessary visit, considering he was in France to commemorate those who died in World War I.

He’s been getting a lot of flak for that one, but perhaps the best response comes from the French military, who trolled him on Twitter.

Here’s The Guardian:

Using the hashtag #MondayMotivation, they posted a picture of a soldier training, with the caption: “Il y a de la pluie, mais c’est pas grave [it is raining, but it is not serious].”

Grave can also translate directly as ‘grave’ – a likely pun referring to the graveyard that Trump didn’t visit. The Twitter post followed on from a video of Candian prime minister Justin Trudeau appearing in the rain.

Dispensing with his umbrella mid-speech, the Canadian prime minister said: “As we sit here in the rain, thinking how uncomfortable we must be these minutes as our suits get wet, and our hair gets wet … it’s all the more fitting that we remember on that day in Dieppe the rain wasn’t rain, it was bullets.”

Trump also has trouble dispensing with umbrellas, which might have been a factor in his no-show.

To add insult to injury, social media users have also been bombarding the idiot-in-chief with pictures of the last actual president of the United States, Barack Obama.

Press secretary Sarah Sanders said that “near-zero visibility” meant Trump could not visit via helicopter, and he did not use a motorcade to travel for fear of disrupting traffic in Paris.

His motorcade definitely attracted some protest action, and we all know how Trump feels about people who don’t like him.

Personally, I think he was avoiding the rain because his hair functions like a gremlin. If you get it wet, it multiplies and eats all of his KFC.
