Sunday, March 30, 2025

Stormy Daniels’ Brutal Response To Trump’s ‘Horseface’ Tweet

In true Trump style, the American president took to Twitter to insult Stormy Daniels. She wasn't taking this one lying down.

Donald Trump had a bit of a victory this week, which he responded to with the grace and dignity befitting his office.

Just kidding, he was a (mushroom) dick about it.

A judge has dismissed the defamation case brought against Trump by porn actress Stormy Daniels. The judge ruled that a Trump tweet Daniels said was defamatory was protected by the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech.

To celebrate, the leader of the fascist world immediately took to Twitter to insult Daniels, reports the BBC.

Here’s the tweet in all its grammatically incorrect glory:

You are indeed a total con Trump, and with any luck, you’ll be a total convict by the time all this is over.

Stormy clapped back with her own tweet:

If you’re wondering about those ‘shortcomings’, she isn’t just referring to his obvious lack of presidential ability. Stormy went into great detail in her book about the size of…um…well, you know what they say about tiny hands.

She alluded to his size again in a follow-up tweet, where she commented on his grammar and reading ability:

Stormy’s lawyer Michael Avenatti also weighed in:

The ruling that inspired the ‘horseface’ comment does not affect the separate lawsuit over the hush money that Trump allegedly paid to Stormy, following their affair in 2006.

In the defamation matter, Stormy has been ordered to pay Trump’s legal fees, although Avenatti says that they will be appealing that decision.

In an interview with CBS News earlier this year, Ms Daniels said a stranger had approached her while she was with her young daughter, and had threatened her. She later issued an image of the man.

Mr Trump responded to her account on Twitter, saying: “A sketch years later about a nonexistent man. A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!”

Stormy’s main case against Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen continues. In August, Cohen pleaded guilty to violating campaign finance laws during the 2016 presidential election, over payments to two women who said they had sexual relationships with Mr Trump.

The thought of anyone having sexual relations with Trump is definitely up there with the worst thing anyone could think of ever.
