Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Yet Another Reason Why You Should Be Learning To Code Python

If I could roll back the years, I might be tempted to upskill in the coding department. There is serious cash to be made if you get it right.

Every time my father asks me to stop past his house and assist in ‘fixing his email’ or ‘finding the WiFi’ again, I’m reminded of how my rudimentary technology skills are considered impressive by the older folk.

Wow, you managed to download and install an update? It’s an easy crowd to please, and it’s actually quite a nice ego boost.

Sadly, of course, the younger tykes coming along will make us all look like fools, and they’ll be laughing all the way to the bank whilst doing so.

We did a little search on ManpowerGroup SA’s job listings, and there are a few positions that prove coding is big business.

Python developer – say hello to R40 000 a month:

Before you get your hopes up, there’s a whole list of technical knowledge boxes to be ticked. Read the full listing here.

This next one isn’t to do with Python (I think, I’ve already laid bare the extent of my tech skills), but rather a PHP Developer position offering up to R540 000 per year:

I’m cross-eyed, but if this makes sense then you can see the full listing here.

Last, and not at all least, is a position offering a salary of up to R1 million a year. That’s potentially more than R80 000 a month, so you might even be able to afford to rent a two-bedroom in Clifton.

Enter the Java Developer:

Other than ticking none of the boxes, I’m perfect. Check your box-ticking prowess on the full listing here.

Beginning to think I went into the wrong line of work.

ManpowerGroup SA, the world’s workforce expert, have plenty more to offer than just tech gigs. You can have a peek around their job listings here, and if you want to throw your name into the hat for future jobs, upload your CV here.

The bottom line is that you want these guys on your side, whether you’re an employee or employer. Worldwide, they connect more 600 000 people to meaningful work across a wide range of skills and industries every day, and those are serious numbers.

You go get your dream job, and I’ll continue to smash away at the keyboard to pay the bills.