Thursday, March 27, 2025

June 21, 2018

World Cup: Pepe’s A Wanker, English Nazi Salutes, Odd Throw-Ins And Flaming Wallets [Videos]

Yesterday was another day full of World Cup drama, and it was only a matter of time until Pepe was dubbed a wanker. Then there are the Nazi salutes to deal with.

Once a wanker, always a wanker.

During yesterday’s clash against a plucky Morocco, Portuguese defender Pepe did what he does best. No, not defend, but rather behave like a schoolchild who had their toy truck confiscated from the sand pit.

#PrayForPepe, good people, after he was on the receiving end of a vicious double tap to the back.

Imagine behaving like this when there are literally billions of people watching around the world?

Part of the reason why Pepe is being dragged (like the TIME article mocking him) is that he has a history of histrionics, like this garbage from the 2016 Champions League final:

Wanker status confirmed.

I reckon we should spare a thought for Milad Mohammadi, the Iranian player who attempted one of those ‘head over heels’ throw-ins, only to realise he needed a little more time on the training ground to perfect the skill:

Here’s how BBC Radio 5 described it on air:

Chris Sutton: “This is it, this is the chance for Iran.”

Alistair Bruce-Ball: “30 seconds left for Iran. It’s Milad Mohammadi to take this long throw. One, two, three, four, five, six Iranian red shirts in the box.”

Sutton: “Get the goalie up.”

Bruce-Ball: “Mohammadi kisses the ball and points to the sky. Oh, it’s a somersault. Oh, what’s he doing?”

Sutton: *laughs*

Bruce-Ball: “He’s somersaulted over the ball and he’s about to launch it.”

Sutton: “He pulled out!”

Bruce-Ball: “He was about to launch it and the ref said no – and now he’s gone short – he’s thrown it short.”

Splendid stuff.

I was just thinking to myself that the English fans had been rather well-behaved, even if one fan in Plymouth did go a little over the top, when a Nazi salute video came along.

Below from the Telegraph:

England football fans have caused outrage by singing an anti-Semitic song and making Nazi salutes in a Russian pub before England’s World Cup match in Volgograd, where more than a million Soviet soldiers died to stop the German blitzkrieg.

In a video that was circulating on social media yesterday, supporters are singing a racially offensive song about Tottenham Hotspur in the Galereya Pub in Volgograd.

An employee at the pub told The Daily Telegraph that the incident had occurred on Monday before England beat Tunisia 2-1.

And the video, with bad language, of course:

I would bet good money that these chaps are Tommy Robinson fans.

To finish, let’s go with something a little lighter. Ever seen a bloke light a ciggie with a wallet?

I guess smoking isn’t unhealthy until you use a flaming wallet.

Messi for a double later – you heard it here first.
