Friday, March 21, 2025

Bitter Billionaire Divorce Tactics Include Dead Fish And Fart Sprays

The divorce battle between Bill Gross and his ex-wife turned extremely nasty, after the billionaire kicked up a stink and resorted to petty revenge tactics.

Well, we thought the Brangelina divorce was bitter, but the battle between billionaire Bill Gross and his ex-wife Sue is downright filthy.

You could say that it’s gotten – wait for it – pretty gross. *Badum-tish!*

Seriously, the Californian bond king resorted to some seriously dirty tactics during their break-up.

According to court documents, when his R490 million Laguna Beach house was left to his ex-wife after they went their separate ways, Gross got bitter and took action.

The New Post explains:

[Gross] used foul-smelling fart sprays to leave the place a stinking mess — and placed dead fish in the air vents, a “disgusted” Sue Gross claimed in court papers last week.

Mrs Gross, who won a temporary restraining order against Bill last week, has the evidence of his foul play — empty spray bottles in the trash cans, court papers allege.

Bill Gross left the home … “in a state of utter chaos and disrepair,” court papers filed in a Los Angeles state court claim.

Geez, what a sour old fart he was about the whole situation.

His foul antics didn’t end there, though:

Bill’s reign of terror included not just his malodorous moves but his use of an “army of spies” to conduct “non-stop monitoring” of Sue and her family members, it is alleged …

“The houseplants smelled foul and need to be replaced,” she added, noting that a “substantial amount of time and money” was needed to rehabilitate the property.

Included in the court filing are photos showing the alleged spray bottles behind the putrid smells — as well as photos that allegedly showed water damage throughout the six-bedroom, eight-bath house. There were also photos of the severed cord to a treadmill and an art installation of cats with their facial features scratched out.

Okay, now that’s just plain nasty.

Not to mention disturbing – what did those cats ever do to you, Gross?

Apparently, the billionaire denied carrying out these dastardly and disgusting deeds.

Heck, he even managed to get temporary restraining order against his former flame [pictured above, left] in November last year — weeks after their divorce was finalised — after telling a judge he was worried about Sue’s “erratic behavior” and “threats of violence”, which reportedly included stealing items from the house.

You know, the house he was obligated to leave her when they broke up?

Understandably, it’s been an ongoing nightmare for Sue Gross:

I am exhausted and beleaguered by this omnipresent interference, and am mortified that my loved ones have been subjected to harassment for no reason other than their relationship with me.

Very rough stuff.

Luckily, she’s won a temporary restraining order against her ex-beau. Now a court hearing for an official restraining order is set for July 3.

Looks like the smell of defeat is near for Gross.
