Thinking about how the universe will end can be bloody terrifying, if not downright bleak. It’s such a terrifying prospect that even NASA are preparing themselves in case Doomsday arrives sooner rather than later.
But for Dr Katie Mack, a theoretical astrophysicist at North Carolina State University, thinking about how the universe and everything in it will cease to exist is part of her job description.
In fact, she seems to enjoy it.
A lot.
Per a report by Mashable, Mack – who specialises in cosmology – truly wants to answer the dreaded questions: how might the universe end?
At least she’s saving us the trouble of thinking about our inevitable doom.
Mack’s currently writing a book about the different ways the universe might meet its end, and by golly, she’s pretty darn excited about it:
It’s way more fun than I thought it would be, to write about ultimate destruction. So I’m really enjoying writing about, like, the big crunch where everything gets condensed, the stars all catch on fire … it’s fun, it’s really fun!
We’ll take your word for it, Doc.