Wednesday, March 26, 2025

April 10, 2018

Road Rage Is Alive And Well In Florida [Video]

In today's edition of people behaving poorly on the road, a Mazda driver and a motorcyclist clash. There was only going to be one winner.

I would love to claim that I exude serenity when sat behind the wheel, but that’s complete and utter bollocks.

There’s just something about driving that causes people to lose their marbles, and time and time again that ends in violence on the road.

The latest video doing the rounds comes out of Sarasota, Florida, and shows a motorist intentionally slamming into a bike. Police are now looking for the person driving the grey Mazda, and if caught they face a number of charges.

Not without good reason:

Here’s what the motorcyclist, Darin Hendrickson, said to reporters:

…he was taken to the hospital for a hyperextended knee, possible fractured ribs and severe road rash.

“I really just don’t understand it, how a human can do that to another human,” he said, “it just doesn’t sit right with me.”

Hendrickson said he was traveling south on Beneva Road when the Mazda brake checked him.

“What I’m doing, I’m essentially trying to follow him until we get to a stopping point,” said Hendrickson.

Hendrickson said what you can’t clearly see in the video is the driver of the car throwing change at him.

Who throws change at someone whilst driving?

Just take a few deep breaths and unleash a foul-mouthed tirade like a normal person.
