At around 8AM this morning, or 10AM in Dubai, South African businessman Justin van Pletzen spotted the elusive Ajay Gupta in Dubai.
The infamous Gupta was “relaxed and friendly” with Pletzen as he walked out of an office block, reports HuffPost.
Publishing the encounter on his Facebook page, van Pletzen explained that if it wasn’t for the law enforcement authorities in the emirate he would have “dropped” him;
“The laws here unfortunately are very strict about getting into a fight with someone. If I did, I would have been given a 50,000 dirham fine or have gone to jail,” Van Pletzen added. “I’ve been telling everyone back home: the Guptas are here, Duduzane [Zuma] is here…”
Instead, van Pletzen shook Ajay’s hand while klapping an entjie. During the interaction, Ajay explains that he will return to South Africa once authorities “give him a reply”:
“Please share this widely so that we can get him back to SA so he can face the music,” Van Pletzen wrote.
Please enjoy:
According to van Pletzen, Ajay had been visiting the Indian Consulate in the building before leaving with a bodyguard. As it stands, the Guptas are in some serious trouble with the Indian tax authorities, and were supposed to appear before officials on Monday.
Ajay left the scene in a Mercedes Maybach S600 [below], which probably cost South African taxpayers in the region of $190 000 (R2,25 million):
Citizen journalism for the win.