Donald Trump would have you believe that he is so, so brave, but history tells a different story.
He dodged serving in Vietnam, being given five deferments from the draft: four related to his college studies, and one for bone spurs in his heel.
Funny, because ‘Cadet Bone Spurs’ still managed to play football and tennis as a young man.
Then there’s that eagle incident pictured up top, when a bald eagle acting on behalf of sane America made him crap his diaper.
Of course there are further examples of his cowardice, but let’s move onto his latest braggadocious claim.
POTUS believes that he would have run, unarmed, through the doors of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to stop Nikolas Cruz. The shooter was wielding an AR-15 assault rifle, on his way to killing 17 people.
As with anyone who isn’t too far gone down the Trump wormhole, Trevor Noah ain’t buying it:
Stephen Colbert didn’t buy it either:
Yeah, arm the teachers, because if there’s one thing they love more than moulding young minds it’s taking down active shooters.