Thursday, March 13, 2025

SA Company Making It Easier To Help Cape Town Survive #DayZero

As Cape Town advances one step closer to Day Zero, companies with a conscience are doing what they can to help us in our hour of need.
December 12, 2017. People queue where they fill up their water bottles at Muizenberg spring in Cape Town . PICTURE: ESA ALEXANDER/SUNDAY TIMES

In times of need, we’re quite lucky to be able to rely on our fellow South Africans, who are generally pretty eager to offer a helping hand.

And, now that Cape Town is set to be the world’s first major city to have its taps turned off, we have seen massive efforts to prove just how concerned other South Africans are.

However, citizens aren’t the only ones making a difference, though.

To prepare for Day Zero, companies are also putting in the work to make sure it’s all going to be okay.

Like Stor-Age.

With 44 self-storage locations countrywide, Stor-Age has been turning their buildings into national water collection points, thus creating a distribution network to aid those that are most in need in the event that Day Zero arrives.

Those willing to contribute to the water crisis can drop off store-bought five litre bottles of water at a location of their choice, which will then be distributed throughout Cape Town as well as Port Elizabeth.

Yes, babes, Cape Town isn’t the only South African city to have water issues.

Chris Oosthuizen, the company’s spokesperson, laid it down:

“We all have a role to play in not only helping those most in need come Day Zero, but in preventing it all together. The Cape Town community is rallying behind this cause, but we need the national public to work with us during this crisis. We hope that by opening up all our stores as water collection points and by using our distribution network to get the water where it needs to be, we can make a significant impact during what will be a very trying time for all of those affected.”

Keen? Of course you are.

Below is a list of Stor-Age drop-off locations around South Africa, including Cape Town and PE.

You know, in case you want to help other people in your city who might be less fortunate:

Check what has already been dropped off at their Randburg store:

Ooooh, weeeeee.

To ramp up the action taken by Stor-Age, the drive has been called #6BFORME, with the focus on driving home what level 6B water restrictions means for the individual and what they can do to make a difference.

Even former Springbok captain Jean de Villiers has shared his support:

“It is important we create more awareness around the water crisis, and not only in the Cape. We all have a role to play, by doing our bit and being a water warrior. I fully support the #6BFORME initiative and I invite all South Africans to do the same.’’

Then again, if you’re one of the Capetonians who is unable to fathom how on earth you will survive once the taps are off and have decided to leave (yet plan on returning once they’re flowing again), Stor-Age offers the ideal storage solutions to keep your stuff safe.

Oh, and if you click here you get 50% off the first month. I’ll drink to that.