UPDATE: Please enjoy the email we received after publishing this story.
And here we were thinking it was a drought, political mismanagement, or a combination of both that has led us face to face with Day Zero.
No, sinners and deviants who call Cape Town home, it’s actually because we have failed to repent.
Last time we heard from Angus Buchan, the man who who claims “homosexuality is a disease”, he was speaking at Parliament.
That was back in November, Buchan saying that the dams would be full by March and there would be no drought.
Now, as the day the taps run dry looms large on the horizon, and another Facebook friend uploads a picture of an empty Theewaterskloof Dam, he is piping up again.
Turns out he will be leading a “national prayer meeting” in Mitchell’s Plain on March 24, and while he was drumming up interest he had a little go at Cape Town.
We’re naughty, you see. This video via News24:
I’m just surprised he didn’t tell that “young lady” to get back in the kitchen.
Why didn’t we think of this earlier? It’s all so simple – shower that omnipotent presence in the sky with love and attention, and we can all, once again, shower for longer than 45 seconds.
If I pray twice as hard, Angus, can I have a bath? How many prayers before I can fill my pool?
Angus, if the Second Coming is happening any time soon, can I please get a heads up? I have loads of eBucks that I would hate to see go to waste.
I also see there’s a 90% chance of rain this Friday – is that Angus’ doing?
So many questions.