Sunday, March 23, 2025

January 11, 2018

#DroneCrashmas: Massive Spike In Drone Crashes Since Christmas [Video]

With great toys comes great responsibilities, and sometimes reading the manual still doesn't stop your drone from going down in flames. Here are a few crashes that stand out.

How’s that new DJI Spark you got over Christmas looking? Still flying?

Every year since 2015, #dronecrashmas lights up on Twitter as people share their horrifying drone stories.

From becoming entangled in hair, to getting lost in rivers and stuck in very tall trees, it generally doesn’t take long for newly gifted drones to become grounded forever.

Sometimes, a mere five minutes.

Some of the tales are hilarious, and here are just a few collected by TIME:

There were, of course, some hair disasters, too:


Then there’s this beauty:

But it’s not only newbies who crash their drones.

Throughout the year, people and their drones find themselves in ridiculous scenarios. Here’s a collection from last year alone:

So, for all of you who are sitting with an injured DJI drone, we have some good news: fixing it is as easy as booking it in for a repair at weFix, the drone experts.

Once you have selected the nearest store to you (there are 35 across South Africa) and placed your order online, a weFix representative will contact you to confirm it and then you can drop it off.


Once it’s there, a repair that goes something like what’s happening below will go down:

Boom. Happy flying, drone people.
