You’ve probably heard about the big net neutrality decision taken yesterday, the Federal Communications Commission (The FCC, like Eminem moaned about) voting to dismantle rules regulating the businesses that connect consumers to the internet, granting broadband companies the power to potentially reshape Americans’ online experiences.
Quite a mouthful that, and maybe you’re still scratching your head.
I’ll tell you who is super bleak about the FCC’s decision, other than those who don’t stand to financially benefit – Pornhub:
Mashable explaining why they are so bleak:
At the moment, porn makes up a massive portion of our online consumption. Last year Pornhub viewers alone used 3,110 petabytes of bandwidth. And people are paying almost nothing for it.
But now that internet service providers will have the option to control what we can access, they’ll be able to stop the free flow of what we all want most. Platforms like Pornhub and YouPorn have been vocal in the fight against net neutrality, and the loss of it will likely reshape the entire industry.
Clearly this will affect anyone’s ability to freely and anonymously consume whatever it is they’re especially into. But it will also severely impact anyone’s ability to upload their own amateur videos — meaning the adult landscape could get considerably more boring.
Of course porn will never completely disappear — it’ll likely just cost you a lot more to get off. ISPs will now be able to make you pay through the nose for the content you crave, and they’ll also be able to track exactly what you’re watching. Ugh.
Great, look what you’ve done America.
This from a few months back, showing how the porn star community was afraid this day would come:
That picture right up top of the guy saying ‘no’? That’s the FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, who released this video the day before the big vote:
Read the room, man.
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