Saturday, March 22, 2025

December 7, 2017

Sign Language Fraud – Thamsanqa Jantjie Has Competition [Video]

You have to be pretty ballsy to blag you way into doing sign language for Obama, although this woman might give him a run for his money.

There’s something truly South African about Thamsanqa Jantjie.

He would be the chap who somehow wangled his way into being the sign language interpreter for Madiba’s funeral, and then enjoyed his 15 minutes of fame as everyone probed to get answers.

I think, in case you missed all of that, we should start with a best hits video from the funeral. Spoiler alert – none of these hand signals correlate to what a speaker is saying:


My personal favourite part of the ensuing fallout was his interview with Eusebius McKaiser. Listen from around the three-minute mark below:

Me thinks he doth protest too much.

OK, we really must move on to his competition. Please meet Derlyn Roberts:

Via the Miami Herald, this is the kicker:

Derlyn Roberts, 53, — who signed alongside Tampa police officials — has a criminal past. Records show Roberts was released from state prison last year after being convicted in 2012 for organized fraud over $50,000 and fraudulent use of personal information.

More irony? The Tampa Police Department was the arresting agency.

Those men around her are from the Tampa Police Department. Ballsy move.
