Thursday, March 27, 2025

December 5, 2017

Truck Driver Loses Control And Ploughs Into Germiston Petrol Station [Video]

Up in Johannesburg's East Rand, a truck driver lost control and ploughed into a nearby petrol station. He left behind one hell of a mess.


A petrol attendant had just finished filling a car when he looked up to see a headlights of the speeding truck aimed straight for him.

The incident occurred at around 11PM on Saturday night at a Caltex garage in Germiston in the East Rand region of Johannesburg, reports Search SA.

Multiple people sustained injuries after a truck driver lost control, causing the truck to plough through the petrol station and collide with the vehicle putting in petrol, as well as another parked vehicle.

You really don’t want to be involved in this kind of accident:

The aftermath was not pretty, and assistance by various emergency personnel was needed as the driver of the car was stuck in the passenger seat:

The garage, too, was left in a mess and it reportedly could take up to three months to repair the damage.

Imagine someone had been smoking?
