If you’re anything like me, you’re still basking in the glow of what I call the ‘in-between time’.
I’m not going Stranger Things on you, I just mean that glorious time in between getting paid and watching the debit orders pour out of the account.
Flush with cash – oh yeah.
That’s not why this weekend is the time to pull the trigger on buying a drone, though. Whether you’re telling a mate and playing the role of hero, or treating yourself to something sparkly because you’re worth it, you need to make it happen before the weekend is out.
weFix are running weekend specials that end Sunday on both the DJI Mavic Pro and the DJI Spark, so there’s something for everyone.
Let’s start with the DJI Spark, now reduced from R8 699 to R7 999. Pick your colour, pull the trigger, and score a R1 000 weFix voucher for your troubles:
Use that voucher for batteries, accessories, or the dreaded repairs when your skills let you down.
Not saying that last one is definitely going to happen, but it never hurts to have a voucher up your sleeve.
There’s also a special running on the DJI Mavic Pro, which is going for R19 999, and now includes a R2 000 weFix voucher.
We’re talking all the thrills and spills with the Mavic Pro:
Boom – you (or that “friend you’re asking for”) are sorted.
Both of those deals expire at when Sunday ticks over into the dreaded Monday, so this really is the weekend to get stuck in.
I dunno about you, but my debits don’t come off until the 1st. Make it rain, and check out weFix for all of your drone needs.