Friday, March 14, 2025

October 12, 2017

Please Sit Down Before You Watch Donald Trump Talking About How Humble He Is

He's intelligent, he's rich, he knows how to rock a suit, and if you believe everything he says then you're an absolute moron. Let's hear from the Donald.

Yesterday we poked fun at Trump talking about his incredible intelligence, and if you can stomach the Orange Menace then you might find a chuckle over HERE.

That’s right, he definitely isn’t the “f*cking moron” that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called him.

It’s tough to cover all the Donald pearls of wisdom, but thanks to The Fat Jewish’s Instagram account we found this:

Does he… I mean… what about the… DOES HE NOT UNDERSTAND IRONY?

I would say spare a thought for VP Mike Pence sat next to him, but then Pence himself is a real piece of garbage.

So effing humble – reminds me of that song from the Andy Samberg movie Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping:

OK, one more video before we part ways and forget about the big bloated buffoon.

You know what Donald is better at than you? Many, many, many things: