Tuesday, March 18, 2025

September 7, 2017

So This Weatherman ‘Dropped A Fart’ On Live TV And People Are Losing It [Video]

Poor old Chris Dunn, just out there trying to do his job, and now everyone is accusing him of breaking wind mid-broadcast. The evidence doesn't look good for him.

The thing about farting is that people will stop doing it when everyone else stops laughing.

Take Chris Dunn for example, a weatherman over in Alabama. He’s on a pretty small network that most people have never heard of, but he drops a clanger live on air and now the video is everywhere.

Of course someone could have added the fart in at a later stage for effect, but numerous videos have the same sound.

Squeaky chair, a shoe, or a fart? Here’s one video that even comes with a slow-motion replay:

Same sound on this video:

Perhaps the most fun is to be had in the comments sections of those two videos.

Some witticisms:

A warm breeze from the south!

Sounds like there was a high pressure system in the south.

Should have held it in my man. Butt off camera like that? Not fooling anyone.

Oops my CD just skipped and everyone just heard you let one rip!

That was a forced out fart. That was no attempt to conceal. That guy aimed and fired.

It seems odd that you wouldn’t be able to hold it on for the duration of the weather report, but sometimes it’s outta your hands.

Should have learnt from THIS guy and owned it.
