Tuesday, March 11, 2025

August 30, 2017

The One Floyd Mayweather Stat That Shows Why He Is The Greatest Hype Man Alive

Everyone knows that Floyd is very proud of his business acumen, but you don't get to the top without being a massive drawcard. Here's all the proof you need.

Say what you want about Floyd Mayweather (and I’ll say that he is a serial abuser of women), but there’s no denying that he has earned the nickname “Money”.

He’s fond of showing it off on social media, he is fond of spending it, and he sure as hell is fond of making it.

The final figures on exactly how much his bout with Conor raked in aren’t out yet, but it’s widely accepted that it will be the highest grossing bout of all time.

According to Business Insider, conservative estimates are that the fight will generate a cool $500 million (R6,5 billion) in revenue. That’s for around nine-and-a-half rounds of action, or 28 minutes of actual boxing, which is in itself a mind-boggling stat.

That $500 million may well be exceeded, because pre-fight estimates of five million pay-per-views in the US alone would match that figure.

Keen for that one stat, then? A quick look at history shows Floyd owning the top four spots in the highest-grossing boxing matches of all time.

Check it:

He isn’t going hungry, friends.

Interesting to see Mike Tyson down there with those massive paydays, and still filing for bankruptcy in 2003. Via a CNN story from earlier this year:

The controversial former boxer said he was never “crazy” about money, but admitted he “went crazy with it.” Tyson has said he squandered his fortune on jewelry, prostitutes, mansions and cars…

When Tyson filed for bankruptcy in 2003, he reportedly had $23 million in debt. It was a stunning admission given his blockbuster career.

Looking back on it, Tyson admits he became accustomed to receiving fat checks and was taken advantage of by those around him.

“I can’t even call them leeches. That’s too decent of a word to call them,” Tyson said.

I imagine Floyd has his fair share of peeps hanging on, but it will take some special breed of leaches to burn through his mountains of money.

Still, never say never.
