Looks like this Swiss hotel has been watching what’s going on in Charlottesville with a little envy.
[If you haven’t yet watched VICE’s doccie on what went down in Virginia do yourself a favour and check THIS out.]
The hotel in question is Aparthaus Paradies in Arosa, an Alpine resort village in east Switzerland, and as you can imagine peeps are pretty upset with them.
Here’s the sign doing the rounds on social media:
Apparently that’s not the only sign, with this below via the Telegraph:
A second sign, also addressed to “our Jewish guests”, warned that they could only access the refrigerator at certain times of the day. “I hope you understand that our team does not like being disturbed all the time,” it read.
There’s actually an explanation of sorts for that second sign:
…Jewish families had been allowed to use a staff refrigerator to store food but that the time limits were posted so that guests were not constantly coming in and out of the staff room.
Yeah, sure, but what’s up with the showering before taking a swim business? Ruth Thomann, the hotel manager who signed the notices, has been scrabbling to clean up the mess, denying the hotel is anti-Semitic.
She said the sign about swimming was because two Jewish girls had gone swimming without showering first – oh, the horror.
Israel has now lodged a formal complaint with the Swiss foreign ministry over the signs, so we’ll see how that one plays out.
As an aside, it’s pretty easy to work out what Swiss signs like these mean:
Find out more about those HERE.
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