Unless you’re one of those people who buy unlimited super likes (do those actually ever work?), or like to cut the garbage and see exactly who swiped right, Tinder is free.
Then there are those other famous sites, where I assume you pay a nominal fee and they correlate your interests and pair you up with like-minded people.
And then, costing a whopping $150 000 (R2 million), is Kelleher International. That’s how much Darlene Daggett forked over when she took out a “CEO level” membership with the service, and it doesn’t look like money well spent.
Kelleher International promised her matches from around the globe, but that didn’t quite pan out. Here’s the Telegraph:
Instead, Ms Daggett, a 62-year-old divorced mother of four, was introduced to a procession of incompatible suitors, according to documents filed in a federal court.
One candidate, an Australian entrepreneur, whisked her away on trips to Panama and Costa Rica.
This would have been fine had the man not embarked on a trip around the world with his former partner the day after returning from Panama with Ms Daggett [below].
Ms Daggett was also introduced to a man, described as the “Serial Lothario” in court papers. An executive with a Fortune 500 company, he ended their relationship without explanation, having spent Christmas and Thanksgiving at her home.
Then there was a man who said he was waiting for his terminally ill wife to die before dating once more.
Another match, hailing from Charlottesville, Virginia, was she claimed prone to lying uncontrollably. Ms Daggett then had to pursue a stalking complaint against him.
You read right – waiting for his terminally ill wife to die before dating once more. And here you were thinking your Tinder experience had a few stinkers.
Ms Daggett has now settled with the dating agency, and says she still hopes to find “someone to spend her retirement with”.
We might not have R2 million to throw around, but we can snoop around Kelleher International’s website for free.
If they’re fleecing people of such serious cash, surely they can design a better homepage than this?
Guy on the right looks like a proper f*ckboi.
I headed into the Elite category, just to dabble, and here’s what I found:
What about single, scraping by, a solid seven and can’t be bothered to try very hard? Asking for a friend.
Feel free to do your own snooping on their site HERE.
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