Friday, March 28, 2025

Epic Drone Footage From This Year’s AfrikaBurn [Videos]

If you're feeling the call of the Tankwa today, then you should probably check out this dope drone footage from AfrikaBurn 2017.

Hey Burners, fancy a few non acid-related flashbacks?

It turns out there was only one officially licensed drone at this year’s ‘Burn in the Tankwa, because only one application was from an operator that fulfilled the new Civil Aviation Authority permit requirements.

In a recent Facebook post organisers explained why they insist these permit requirements are met:

Because new CAA regulations stipulate that no recreational / hobby drone (including any unmanned RC devices) may fly within a 10km radius of any active airstrip. Unlicensed drones flown near our airstrip (which is used for medical evacuations) will result in it being closed down, which would mean jeopardising the life of any participant who requires medical evacuation by air. Leave recreational drones at home, thanks.


Chances are you’ve seen some cool videos from the ‘Burn, but let’s get that birds-eye view. The first video comes from SKYHOOK on Vimeo:

Well played, peeps, that’s very well put together.

If you’re feeling the call of the Karoo, and you can spare nine minutes, you should also check out COPPER ASHES:

Every year thousands of “burners” migrate to the Tankwa Karoo, coming together in a whirlwind of affection, expression and dust.

In 2017 among the pretty faces were three filmmakers (Dewald Brand, Herman du Toit and Michael Zomer) who joined the pilgrimage in order to shed light on the true essence of AfrikaBurn. They integrated themselves and listened to the stories of their peers whistling in the wind, all in a valiant effort to try and encapsulate the magnitude of the gathering. A gift to the attendees, a glimpse of the glory for those whom have yet to experience AfrikaBurn.

In their pursuit they handed out multiple disposable cameras with the intent of having them spread across the playa, from burner to burner. A few photos made it back to the three filmmakers, with each telling their own story.

Let’s get dusty:

Happy Friday, everyone.
