Tuesday, March 11, 2025

July 20, 2017

“Dear Black People”

A woman in KZN has been left fuming after a note was slipped through her car window, and no one seems to want to take responsibility.

What is it about being behind the wheel, or dealing with the aftermath in a parking bay, that turns people into such knobs?

Tempers have flared in Pinetown, KZN, after a woman had a note slipped through her car window with the underlined heading “Dear black people”.

Nonhle Cele is now set to report the incident to the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), with the note supposedly signed by the Garden Mews building’s caretaker.

Over to Times LIVE:

“In the morning when I was going to work I opened my car and I found a note on the driver’s seat. It said: ‘Dear black people’ at the top and I was so shocked,” Cele said.

“It was basically telling me not to park in the visitors’ parking. I would have appreciated him addressing me in a professional manner and there was no need for him to make this about race,” Cele said.

She said she had been to the police station where officers had advised her to approach the Human Rights Commission.

Cele said the person who had written the letter was a racist. She said the only reason she had parked her car in the visitors’ bay was because another resident had obstructed her parking space.

Here’s where things get tricky – the caretaker, Joe Nel, denies having written the note. He isn’t one to mince his words, either:

“To be honest with you I can’t even write because I am so old and I shake so much. This is a bulls**t story. I never wrote any letter. I am not a racist and someone is doing this to make me look bad,” he said.

Nel added that he suspected another resident in the block had written the letter and framed him. “Everything goes through the chairman and I don’t know where the story comes out and I am not very happy about it.”

Garden Mews body corporate chairman Peter Strachan wasn’t taking that lying down, distancing himself from the letter and telling caretaker Joe to take responsibility for his actions.

I guess this is why you pay a million bucks for a parking spot these days (HERE).
