Tuesday, March 11, 2025

July 11, 2017

Trevor Noah Is Back And He’s Hating On Donald Trump Jr. Now [Video]

Trevor has just returned from two weeks off, and given how quickly the news cycle moves it's tough to know where to start. Sure, but Trump Jr. makes it so easy.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and all that jazz, but sometimes Donald Trump Jr. still has the ability to surprise.

The Daily Beast called him the ‘Fredo of the First Family‘, a reference to the bumbling son in The Godfather trilogy who ends up causing major damage to the Corleone family.

Take for example his reaction to papa being hauled over the coals for the CNN wrestling tweet. The media overreacted, but should a president really be tweeting out memes whilst so many Cabinet positions remain unfilled and no one can agree on a healthcare plan to save American lives?

Bugger that – Donald Jr. doubled down with delight, sharing this video with his 926 000 Instagram and 1,8 million Twitter followers:

This is real life.

With Trevor Noah returning from a two-week hiatus, there was much to catch up on. We’ll leave it to him to unpack the Trump – Russia collusion story:

We’re laughing on the outside.
