Tuesday, March 11, 2025

July 3, 2017

Listen To This Song And You Should Get A ‘Skin Orgasm’ At The Two-Minute Mark

Everyone knows that music has the power to bring out all the feels, but how about diving into a "skin orgasm"? Worth a go, I suppose.

I’m pretty sure you can clear two minutes of your schedule for a ‘skin orgasm’, right?

Quartz set about trying to answer why some music gives us the chills, or makes the hair on the back our necks stand up, and they started by asking readers to pick their favourite song of all time.

Go on, but don’t tell us otherwise we’ll judge you. Now headphones in and listen to that song – volume cranked right up.

Look who’s got the goosies, now. Some of what you’re feeling:

It’s a sensation sometimes referred to as a “skin orgasm,” but known as “frisson” in the scientific community. Songs can also bring a lump to the back of our throat, send our heart rate up, and make our skin clammy. All interesting physical responses to something we’re arguably doing for pleasure.

“Chills are generally a response to feeling cold,” says Matthew Sachs, a graduate student studying the effect of music on the brain at the University of Southern California. “Our hair stands on end, and when we’re threatened, it makes us look larger.”

According to the author of the article, “What I’m Doing Here” by Lake Street Dive should really set you off:

This blues piece was written by Price herself, who is a trained jazz singer. Right around 2:06, she sings at comparatively lower notes, followed by a crescendo where she hits an extremely high note before dropping back down immediately afterward. The quick turnaround between the high and low notes, combined with the build-up in between, is climactic, surprising, and resembles wailing in a way. And if all that weren’t enough, there’s a key change a few seconds later (around 2:50) that offers another unexpected treat for the ears.

It’s more than enough to give me chills, and sometimes a lump in the back of my throat. That said, this song resonated with me during an emotionally charged time in my life; those memories undoubtedly enhance my listening experience.

Test that theory for yourself:

So, you get them chills? I didn’t, but then I’ve never heard the song before and thus it doesn’t really ‘resonate with me emotionally’.

Also, I’m a hard-ass.

I dunno, give it another bash – maybe from the 1:30 mark:

Still nothing? Congrats, you’re dead inside.
