Monday, March 17, 2025

June 15, 2017

Our Top Five Funniest Notes Left On Car Windscreens

There's something about cars, whether driving or parking them, that gets people hot under the collar. Some go the passive aggressive route and leave a note.

Passive aggressive is the new road rage.

Not really, because we see new rage videos pop up every day whilst scouring the internet, but disgruntled peeps are certainly fond of leaving a note on a windscreen for passers by to chuckle at.

Anyway the Telegraph have picked 33 windscreen notes that amuse them – let’s look at five:

There’s always that one person who goes full Liam Neeson.

I would like to add a sixth, an actual note that my then-housemate found on his car one Sunday morning.

We know nothing about where it came from, but we can guess by the ‘nutsack’ reference that it the work of a boy:

Pretty piss poor effort on the cock-drawing, bud.

If you’re sketching from experience you might want to have that looked at, and if you recognise that penis, or the handwriting, feel free to contact us.

We’re intrigued – how does one actually rub their asshole on a car door? What’s so special about the rear left wheel? So many questions left unanswered.
