We told you all about day one of the Bill Cosby trial earlier in the week (HERE), but then the storm kinda took over and we moved on.
Well, yesterday was day three, and it centred around accuser Andrea Constand’s mother taking to the stand to testify.
The details of Constand’s allegations against Cosby have already been covered, as well as her account of the night that led us to this point, but it was a phone call and recorded conversation that grabbed the headlines.
Below from NBC:
Andrea Constand’s mother testified Wednesday about how she confronted Bill Cosby with the allegation he drugged and molested her daughter — and then tried to get him to discuss it again while she secretly recorded him.
“He admitted he was a sick man,” Gianna Constand testified that Cosby told her during her first phone call with star about the alleged assault.
The comedian’s iconic voice filled the Pennsylvania courtroom where he is on trial for sexual assault as the prosecution played the tape of the second, secretly recorded 2005 conversation between Cosby and Gianna Constand.
Cosby sat stone-faced as he listened, a transcript of the exchange playing on a monitor for the benefit of jurors, who heard him offer to fund Andrea’s education and rebuff the mother’s demand that he reveal what “stuff” he gave her.
“I would be willing to…meet with you guys,” Cosby said. “Lay out what I think is best. Pay for the schooling.”
It’s clear that once Gianna Constand’s motherly instincts kicked in, she wasn’t going to let this one slide.
When Andrea told her she might be suffering from post-traumatic stress following a flashback about her encounter with Cosby, she took to the phone:
She said she called Cosby and left a message for him. Then Andrea called Canadian police and made a report.
When Cosby called back the next day, Gianna said she was “aggressive” with him, questioning why he had given her daughter medication. He asked that Andrea get on the line and then he began reeling off his version of what had happened.
“He is telling me everything he physically did to her,” Gianna testified. “He said he was touching her breasts and he said to me, ‘But don’t worry, mom, there was no penile penetration, just digital penetration.’”
“He said to me, ‘And mom she even had an orgasm,” the mother added.
Gianna Constand said that Cosby would not tell her what he gave Andrea but promised to figure it out, write it on a piece of paper and mail it to her. And, she testified, he apologized to both of them.
By the end of the call, she said, she felt like Cosby was “trying to lead me to believe that it was consensual, or that it was OK by her.” Cosby, sitting at the defense [sic] table, nodded and raised his eyebrows.
She did not tape that call, something she now regrets, and the taped conversation they had following the call did not contain the same level of detail.
Andrea herself took to the stand on Wednesday, and as you can imagine the defence came out firing:
The defense tried to hammer away at inconsistencies in statements she made to law-enforcement, particularly a discrepancy over the date of the alleged assault. Constand [below] told Canadian police it occurred in March 2004 after they went out to a group dinner, but later told Pennsylvania police it was in January or February and that there was no meal beforehand…
During cross-examination, the defense tried to get Constand to say that she and Cosby had romantic liaisons before the night in question.
She denied it, sticking to her story that he made “suggestive” advances that did not lead to sexual contact. The defense then did a bit of damage when it confronted her with the deposition from her 2005 civil suit against Cosby in which she said under oath that during a visit to his home, he had attempted to touch her genitals…
Pennsylvania lawyer Dennis McAndrews, a former prosecutor who is attending the trial, called the cross-examination “slow and stilted” and said it “barely diminished [Constand’s] credibility,”
“On balance,” he said of Constand’s testimony across the two days, “her presentation was effective and convincing, but not without some chinks in the armor.”
Around 60 women have accused Cosby of various charges ranging from rape, drug-facilitated sexual assault, sexual battery, child sexual abuse, and/or sexual misconduct.
60 women.