Friday, March 7, 2025

May 26, 2017

The Fascinating Moment Trump Shoves Aside Montenegro’s President, So He Can Stand In Front [Videos]

Sometimes you are presented with a video that, when considered alongside the mountains of evidence we have already, shows just what a fragile ego the Donald has.

Donald J. Trump, everybody.

He has waved his sword around in Saudi Arabia and fondled the golden orb (HERE), he has had his tiny little hand rejected by his own wife (HERE), and now he’s put on his big boy pants and popped in at NATO.

Except this is Donald Trump, and he doesn’t understand how other, civilised humans act. Take for example the moment all of the leaders in attendance pose for a ‘family photo’, as per tradition.


J.K. Rowling, who is famous for her Twitter retorts, was not impressed:

A quick check in with the New York Times – or as Trump would say the failing FAKE NEWS:

An unnamed White House official…said it appeared that Mr. Trump slapped Mr. Markovic on the arm as a “casual greeting.”

Given that he seems unable to master the simple handshake, a casual greeting is certainly a step too far.

One more video from NATO that shows just how fragile his ego is – here we have the new French president Emmanuel Macron walking away from the camera towards Trump and the other leaders.

Notice how he snubs the Donald to say howdy to Merkel, and then the power play handshake-wise when Donald gets his paws on him:

I know it all seems silly, laughing at handshakes and a grown man who can’t stand to be in the background of a picture, but all of these incidents complete the picture of an out-of-his-depth moron with the most fragile of egos.

That’s not the kind of man you want running your country.
