Tuesday, March 25, 2025

May 19, 2017

They Found This Old Family Footage And It’s Like Blair Witch For US Hillbilly White Trash [Video]

Sometimes all you need to document a white trash party is a handheld camera and a dream. Someone found this at a yard sale and now we get to enjoy it.

When Donald Trump was elected president it pretty much confirmed what we already knew – America has its fair share of dafties.

Every now and again you come across a video that somehow manages to embody the term ‘white trash’, and this one, titled ‘Memorial Day 2000’, is one for the ages.

Maybe you want to settle in and soak up the full 22 minutes, but you can pretty much skip to any point in the video and not be disappointed.

First some background from DangerousMinds:

Memorial Day 2000 was “discovered” by noise musicians Twig Harper and Carly Ptak of Nautical Almanac at a Michigan yard sale. It’s the low-fi record of a massive hillbilly bender that took place on a campground in Silver Lake State Park, Michigan on Memorial Day weekend of 2000. There’s fire jumping, lots of driving around in the mud, plenty of peeing and puking, (and chanted group puke encouragement), wrasslin’ and even a really severe… er… sewage issue…

Grab yourself a tallboy or two of Steel Reserve High Gravity Lager, a Manwich—well maybe not a Manwich, and definitely not sausage—and indulge in the luxuries of this repulsive but FUCKING HILARIOUS fly-on-the-wall experience…

You may have a full set of teeth and call the South (Africa) home, but allow yourself the chance to be a proper hillbilly this morning:

Great, now we can all move on with our lives.

Thanks, Truck
