Friday, March 21, 2025

May 10, 2017

Someone Has Been Putting Up Nazi Propaganda Posters At Stellies

Stellenbosch University has a "New Right" group, and they have used their Photoshop skills to update Nazi propaganda posters for their recruitment campaign.

Jassis, Stellies, what have you done now?

A group allegedly called “The New Right” has put up a whole lot of slightly edited Nazi propaganda posters around Stellies, causing an uproar as they found their way onto the Internet yesterday.

The posters state that a meeting “will be held on the 11th of May to “Fight for Stellenbosch”,” reports The Daily Vox. They also have the words “the Anglo-Afrikaner student” on them, and the swastika has been replaced with what we can assume is the group’s own symbol.

The one image originates from the “League of German Girls, the female section of the Hitler Youth and Nazi propaganda media”, and both are historically associated with the white supremacy, anti-Semitism and white nationalism that stems from the Hitler-era.

Can you even:

Representatives of the university had a few things to say to The Daily Vox about the incident:

Stellenbosch University’s media liaison Martin Viljoen told the Daily Vox that the university was aware of the posters on campus and confirmed that there was an enquiry into booking the Gericke Library at that time mentioned on the posters, but that booking was not confirmed.

Viljoen said that the university was currently investigating the matter, but was not currently aware of any group calling itself “The New Right”.

Viljoen reportedly told News24 that:

“[We] condemn racism, racial superiority and any attempts to polarise our campus community in the strongest possible terms.”

Posters were put up around the main campus without the university’s knowledge, and the SRC has now vowed to “use its surveillance systems to locate and identify the perpetrator who placed “New Right” posters around the main campus”.

As if that will deter such a harmful ideology. I wonder how many people will turn up at the meeting.
