Monday, March 24, 2025

April 24, 2017

Kids As Young As Eight Are Sexting – This App Knows When They’re Doing It And Will Tell You

"Not ideal" doesn't begin to describe the scenario we're facing as parents when it comes to online threats these days. It's a world fraught with danger.

“Not ideal” doesn’t begin to describe the scenario we’re facing as parents when it comes to online threats these days.

Yes, sure, your baby can operate an iPad, but what happens when they have their own phone and you can’t always be watching over them?

Imagine an app that can install secretly in the background on your kid’s phone, and tell you when too much flesh appears on the screen.

This is how Gallery Guardian works.

In simple terms, Gallery Guardian looks at every picture your child takes or receives on their smartphone. Using a specially designed image recognition algorithm, Gallery Guardian automatically detects if the image includes nudity or not.

In the unfortunate event an image contains something inappropriate, the app alerts you on your smartphone without disclosing or storing the image in question.

The Telegraph reports:

Daniel Skowronski, a 50-year-old a father-of-four from London who came up with the idea told the Mail on Sunday: “I realised how widely children as young as eight were sharing these inappropriate images.

Mr Skowronski, founder of YIPO Technologies, which specialises in photo-recognition technology, : “Boys are saying to girls right now: ‘If you don’t send me something I’m not going to ask you out.’

“It’s ridiculous to imagine the world they’re living. This app brings parents peace of mind that there is technology working for them and watching everything their child is doing. It’s all about putting power back into the parents’ hands.”


Check out their FAQs here, and learn how you can create a safer world for you children.
