Two things come to mind when I think of Kenny G – afros and my kid’s recorder.
To be honest, I didn’t realise Kenny G was still rocking either one of those vibes.
To be clear: firstly, it’s technically not a recorder, but rather a small saxophone. Which is weird, because it doesn’t even look like a sax. Unlike Dave from Goldfish’s diminutive sax, which at least has the shape we’re accustomed to.
Secondly, it’s not an afro, but rather a professional perm.
OK, let’s get to the story and video. Don’t you just love how these guys refer to him as a “human meme?” Beautiful!
According to Spin:
“I have to brush my teeth first, before I play my saxophone,” human meme Kenny G announced to an airborne Delta flight over the plane’s speaker system. This happened mere seconds before Kenny G, the most niche of performers, transversed the airplane’s aisles, a free-jazz “Yakkity Sax” in the sky. TMZ obtained video of Kenny G spinning his arpeggiated soprano sax web upon what is an unconscionably captive audience, hidden behind a wall of iPhones.
How did this come to be? Apparently Kenny G, the lost member of Foster the People, was on a flight Saturday, headed from Tampa to Los Angeles when he was propositioned to play for a charitable cause. The deal was that if the passengers on the plane raised $2,000 for Relay For Life he would play his sax on the plane. The money was raised and, well, you know the rest.
Hit it, Kenny:
God, how terribly emwoerrissing.