Monday, March 24, 2025

April 24, 2017

“Attacker Laughed During Murders” – Here’s Henri Van Breda’s Summary Of What Happened On THAT Day

Henri has appeared in court and given his version of events, and amongst a number of claims one that stands out his description of the attacker.


UPDATE – You can hear the testimony of the first officer on the scene, who alleges that Henri had been drinking, HERE.

As you surely know the trial of Henri van Breda resumed today, and he has given his version of what happened on that fateful day back in January of 2015.

Van Breda has pleaded not guilty to murder, attempted murder and obstructing the administration of justice.

News24 have outlined Henri’s account in court today, one step at a time and here’s what went down.

Settle in, things are going to get hectic:

Nothing out of the ordinary happened the evening before the attack. Dad opened a bottle of wine, we watched TV, mom made dinner, Marli was in her room. The family watched Star Trek 2. We all slept with bedroom doors open.

I stayed up watching animated show One Piece. Rudi went to sleep.

At some point long after I went to bed. I went to the toilet because I needed to move my bowels. I took phone with me because i wanted to play games.

I heard banging sounds, so I stood up and pulled up my pants,  and moved to bathroom door. Sounds were coming from Rudi’s bed.

Could see someone partially on Rudi’s bed. The person was attacking Rudi, later found out it was an axe.

I shouted for help, to attract attention. Bedroom lights switched on, dad came into room. Attack on Rudi still going on.

Looked like he was trying to tackle the attacker. He was attacked as he lunged toward the attacker. He was hit once, fell, then hit him.

He was laughing as he attacked my dad.

Mom asked ”wat gaan hier aan?” He then left the room. Couldn’t see what was happening, outside field of vision as attacker left room.

Attacker then came back to me, laughing and seemed unconcerned in room.

I grabbed at attacker with both my hands. Pushed him. Rudi was still moving, making gurgling noses.

The attacker grabbed by arm.

Van Breda had disarmed him.

Attacker had a knife, his attack was slow.

Push and pull.

He slashed and stabbed at my chest, arm, while I held his arm.

Twisted my hand, hurt hand and arm. I was initially able to prevent him from stabbing. I struck his arm to make him let go of knife.

I was holding the axe backward, so hit him with blunt side. The attacker fled after scuffle and I went after him.

I heard angry voices from more than one person elsewhere in the house. Sounded like they were speaking afrikaans.

Saw Marli and mom outside bedroom door. I cannot say what their exact positions were. Marli’s feet were not in the same place as in police photos.

I threw the axe at attacker as I chased after him. During the pursuit, I fell down the stairs. I got up, saw kitchen door open

Must have been at least 2 people in the house, couldn’t see anyone outside.

He had phone in his pocket, and wanted to call emergency services, but didn’t know the number.

He called his girlfriend, but no number.

He then googled emergency numbers.

Went up to study, saw Rudi and Marli moving. Mom was not moving.

Later woke lying on the stairs, don’t know how long on stairs.

Saw outside it was already light. I saw Marli moving.  Rudi still making sounds.

My phone lying on bottom part of stairs. Picked it up, phoned emergency number on phone. Dont know how many times tried calling. Records show twice. Both unsuccessfully. Then took landline. Tried to remain calm as I called and got through to operator.

Had stutter as a child, at time I still stutter, worsen when I am stressed. I have a tendency to mumble.I struggled to get operator to get an ambulance. She seemed confused.

While on phone, I tried to call girlfriend again, no answer. Tried to call more than once. I also recalled I eventually sent a whatsapp.

Went outside while still on cordless phone, tried to give directions.

While outside, I asked a person to get help, cant recall who it was.

When first officers arrived, I met them and told them to go upstairs. I could feel myself going into shock.

Ambulance dressed wounds, took photos.

Police took him in vehicle, said they were taking him for medical attention. Asked race of attackers, said he thought one he saw was black.

I went to police station in Stellenbosch. Returned with plastic bag. Doctor stated his injuries, asked if wounds could be self inflicted. Police asked if could be self inflicted.

He was wearing only underpants. They took him to police office. He was shivering of cold cos of aircon. Officer Benecke said he doesnt believe a word of my bullshit story.

The court has now adjourned for tea, and proceedings will continue later today.
