Monday, March 24, 2025

A List Of The Weirdest Gifts The Queen Received For Her 90th Birthday

A real mix of odd gifts from far-flung corners of the globe, if the Queen’s prezzies from 2016 are anything to go by.

What do you give that person who has everything?

A real mix of odd gifts from far-flung corners of the globe, if the Queen’s prezzies from 2016 are anything to go by.

It was a rather big birthday, of course, because not everyone rocks a 90th, but now Buckingham Palace have released a list of gifts they received on behalf of Her Majesty and it makes for quite a laugh.

The Guardian runs through some of those:

The Indonesian cabinet secretary gave a painting of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh standing, smiling at each other, in a paddy field in Bali…

The Chinese ambassador gave a silk fan, the dodecagon painted with her portrait.

Her passion for animals was also indulged. She received a horse called Sir John from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the Royal Cavalry of Oman gave a large bronze of a carriage and 40 horses…


At the Kovilj monastery in Serbia, Charles received a carved wooden crucifix, two printed scrolls, three bottles of brandy, four jars of honey, two bundles of beeswax candles, three books, three CDs, two embroidered banners and a photograph album.

Nice that Charles is getting the odd gift on behalf of his mother, although it looks like he’ll never receive the gift of being King.

More from the Mirror, who are upping the weird gifts for Queenie stakes:

…a purple bag of salt from the British Virgin Islands, a porcelain tea set from The President of Singapore and four padded dog jackets from the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maindenhead where she celebrated her 90th birthday on April 21.

She was also sent several trees, salmon and whiskey, a brown and purple tartan travel rug and a mohair teddy bear named Bertie holding a boater hat.

A mohair teddy holding a boater hat – I don’t know why, but I quite like the idea.

I wonder where the mohair came from, given that Mohair SA are the world’s largest producer of the much-loved material.

Buckingham Palace haven’t been very forthcoming on pictures of Bertie, but something along these lines:



Looks like a fluffy Ewok. I wouldn’t judge anyone who handed me a soft mohair gift to cradle – just saying.

Of course it wasn’t just the old lady who was spoilt last year – how about the laaities?

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s tour of Canada saw Prince George, aged three, and sister Princess Charlotte, aged 20 months, collect a considerable number of additions to their soft toy menagerie. There were countless teddy bears, a fox terrier, a husky dog, a dalmatian, a German Shepherd, a moose, a wolf, a caribou, an orca, a cat and a lamb, all donated by members of the public.

On his Caribbean tour, Prince Harry received several bottles of rum and many books…

Wonder which one of those gifts Harry will get to first?
