Friday, March 14, 2025

November 1, 2016

You Saw The Kit Kat Thief Note, Right?

It's not advised to leave behind a handwritten note after completing a robbery, but sometimes your conscience just gets the best of you.

I’m guessing most of us have lived in a share house at some point in our lives, and along the way you’ve probably come across that housemate.

They’ll eat whatever they come across in the fridge, they’ll drink everything but the last sip of milk and ruin your brekkie, and when it comes to party time they aren’t shy of slugging back on your fine wine in between their six-pack of Castle Lite.

You know who you are.

They usually draw the line at break-ins though, which is what makes the Kit Kat thief stand out from the rest.

Someone left the choccie bar in their car overnight, and when they hopped in the next day here’s what they found:


Mashable with the transcription:

Saw Kit Kat in your cup holder. I love Kit Kats so I checked your door and it was unlocked,” the note reads. “Did not take anything other than the Kit Kat. I am sorry and hungry.

The sceptic in me thinks this was just a Reddit user looking for likes, the hungry thief in me wants a Kit Kat.
