Saturday, March 22, 2025

October 20, 2016

Mark Zuckerberg Shared His Daughter’s First Word On Facebook, “Algorithm”

Mark Zuckerberg, more than anyone else, needs to make Facebook look good. So what does he do? Share his child's first word with the world.

Jokes, it wasn’t “algorithm, it was “dog”.

Hilarious, aren’t we?

But, if you have never before been introduced to Mark Zuckerberg’s dog, Beast, you are in for a treat.

Beast is a Hungarian Sheepdog, and a devoted family member of the Zuckerbergs. So, when Maxima Chan Zuckerberg’s first word was “dog”, I am sure the family was happy – and not all that surprised.

Obviously, Mark shared this landmark on Facebook:


No, no, that’s not a mop, it’s an actual living animal – and Beast has become something of a celebrity, featuring in many of Zuckerberg’s personal photographs:




Here’s one more for good measure. Cuteness is:

